Love Poetry : You Are Special One I Love Most : Love Poem from Her to Him By Rohit Anand New Delhi India

You Are The "Special One" I Love

love poetry by her for him, passionate love poem, lovers on beach, love making

You are someone special that i love with all my might
You are the one that i cant stop thinking every Night

You Are the one that make me do all things in my life right
You are the one god sent as blessings to me i think every night

beautiful loving women sleeping, special love moments, waiting for love, love at night, poetry for him by her

I dream of you, cherish every moment spent with you every day and night
When i think of the lovely moments of us together i hug my pillow tight

You are the special one for whom i eagerly wait to meet next day
You are the one whose face i want to see first every day to make my day.

Beautiful love poetry by her for him from Rohit Anand New Delhi, India.

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