True Love Poetry For Twin Flames : We Are One In Union With Love And Light

We Are One In Union With Love And Light .
Twin Love poems @ My Love Bytes.

soulmates love poems, twin flames, love poetry, real love poems, divine lovers poems
A woman's highest calling is to lead the man to his soul 
so as to unite him with the source...
A man's highest calling is to protect the woman 
so she is free to walk the earth unharmed..."

We've fulfilled one another and we must thank each other...
Some days you'll be the light for me...
Some days i'll be the light for you...

love poems, true love poems, real love poetry of twin flames, soulmates poems

Together we'll hold space for each other to be who we be our true self...
I honour the place in you in which the entire universe abides...

I honour the place in you that is of love, of truth, of light and of peace...
When you are in that space in you and i am in that space in me...we are united...

We are ONE...
The river that flows in you also flows in me.

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